Sunday, October 4, 2009

37 Weeks

Another week has gone by and now the clock is definitely ticking since I am now in what is considered the full term range but since 1)I don`t think the baby has dropped any 2)am still not really all that uncomfortable (besides the random aches and pains in the evening 3)I`m not doing the pregnancy waddle and 4)I`m not having what would be considered any sort of signs (mucus plug, bloody show, etc) I think she will be staying put for awhile longer and so long as I consider feeling the way I am at the moment thats perfectly fine by me.

In other news, there really isn`t anything going on at all.  MIL is now addicted to my Wii fit, in fact we both did an hour on it yesterday (not all at one time though, I can do short 20-30 min sessions but not a whole hour at one time).  Other than that my day consists of me quilting (which I am almost finished with), playing on the computer, watching TV (luckily they have cable here, 1 channel has nothing but foreign movies, another foreign TV show usually in English, and the other foreign Tv shows dubbed in Japanese), and re-reading the baby/labor books I have.

I think FIL wants to take me out for pizza for lunch today which would be awesome since I am kind of tired of eating nothing but Japanese style food.  I would love to make something for dinner but MIL can`t seem to eat chicken (as it makes her feel yucky afterwards) and she doesn`t like cheese (and I kind of wanted to make a lasagna) which definitely limits what I can cook.  I did figure out her oven (first person to ever use the oven function of it) and made a cheesecake on Sat. which the ILs loved (and yes cheesecake=cheese which she was fine with).

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