Monday, February 22, 2010

I *heart* Japan Final

It feels like I have been afk for a while now. Christmas, getting sick, lots of work, sick again then for some reason every game company decided they were going to release all of the big names this year in the first part of the year. Plus there hasn’t really been any new movies out that have peaked my interest. Now that I’m out for fresh air I should finish talking about my wonderful trip to Japan.

My nice wife let us spend a whole day at Otaku heaven, Akihabara. Its the nerve center for Anime, TV,Games, Manga, and Toys of Japan.

You know your there when you see this sign. This building is freaking huge. It’s the size of a department store, seven stories high, and full of hundreds of geeky stores and hobby shops.

See the gamers sign on the left? Another store thats seven floors high expect all about games.

Since there isn’t a lot space laterally, they take full advantage of storing things vertically.

There are more than enough to buy, but there are also cool things for you to drool over.

cool rare figure sets like this one from the anime Beck

Some stores were just packed full of collectables for every taste.

Seriously I could this whole post about them.

Ok this one was too cool not to show. The armor in Final Fantasy 12, life size.

Into cosplay? There was a six floor store all about it.

yes  of course there was a club Sega there too.

Next day we went to Tokyo tower!!

getting closer

Took a shot looking straight up from the base.

Great view from the tower. It has a complete 360 view of the city.

Lots of crazy and artistic buildings. Wish I could have seen them at night.

My wife read online that somewhere in tokyo there is a statue of the king of monsters himself GODZILLA. Its really hard to find, but somehow we found it.

Godzilla can be found behind the Tokyo Toho building (duh), but right beside American fast food joint and the art park.

We weren’t the only ones in awe of Godzilla

So ends my adventures in Japan. It was a trip of a life time that will only be topped by another Japan visit. My next dream is to learn the language and one day go back absorb as much as I can.

Hopefully you enjoyed reading about Japan as much as I had reliving it. Now thats out of my system hopefully I can get to more movie reviews before the summer “blockbusters” get released.


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