Sunday, September 20, 2009


It smelled like rain today.

That was unusual, however, because there was hardly a cloud in the sky – with the exception of the dark one over the nearby volcano.

So, what exactly was that smell???

After going for a little walk through the city, the answer was clear. The “it has been raining smell” was from thousands of Kagoshima citizens taking advantage of the glorious Sunday afternoon to wash the thick grime of volcanic ash off their cars.

Over the past weeks, some of Sakurajima’s most active in years, the volcano has been relentlessly unloading its built-up gunk upon the city. Unfortunately, the wind hasn’t been cooperating with my wishes, dumping the ash on my personal stomping grounds. Combining the almost constant ash-falls, the winds, and very little rain makes a very messy city.

This morning, though, the residents of Kagoshima City turned their eyes to the east and saw a glorious sight: ash blowing away from the city! Let the washing commence!

Children ran about in the streets, young drivers showed-off their newly washed cars (and apparently new “pimpin” sound systems), elderly walked their dogs, and I strolled along happily without ash stinging my eyes. Nobody had masks or handkerchiefs covering their mouths. The only ash in the city was that ground under my feet, peppered on the roofs, and piled in the gutters, mixing with the water from car washing.

Lurking in the east, however, is a gurgling giant. As it rumbles to get ready for its next big spew, it taunts us.

Enjoy the day now, Oh Citizens, for your cars will be filthy again by sunrise.

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